A Non-Conventional Approach to Disarmament: Lessons from the BTWC and CWC,
The Road to Zero: Arms Control, 23rd ISODARCO Winter Course, Andalo, Italy 10–17 January 2010
Key Topics: Biological | Disarmament | BTWC
L’imagination au pouvoir: Seeing a Future for BW Disarmament,
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Washington, DC, 14 April 2010
Key Topics: Biological | Disarmament | Proliferation
Roundtable convened by the Belgian Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs and the EU Institute for Security Studies Brussels, 7-8 June 2010
Key Topics: Biological | Disarmament | BTWC
Terrorisme met chemische en biologische wapens: (Voorlopige) besluiten van de studie inzichten in de bewapeningsdynamiek
(Terrorism with chemical and biological weapons: (Preliminary) conclusions of a study into the armament dynamics), Presentatie voor Nationaal Coordinator Terrorismebestrijding, Den Haag, 8 december 2010 (In Dutch)
Key Topics: Biological | Toxins | Terrorism