
Presentations in 2010

A Non-Conventional Approach to Disarmament: Lessons from the BTWC and CWC,

The Road to Zero: Arms Control, 23rd ISODARCO Winter Course, Andalo, Italy 10–17 January 2010

Key Topics: Biological | Disarmament | BTWC

L’imagination au pouvoir: Seeing a Future for BW Disarmament,

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Washington, DC, 14 April 2010

Roundtable convened by the Belgian Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs and the EU Institute for Security Studies Brussels, 7-8 June 2010

Key Topics: Biological | Disarmament | BTWC

Terrorisme met chemische en biologische wapens: (Voorlopige) besluiten van de studie inzichten in de bewapeningsdynamiek

(Terrorism with chemical and biological weapons: (Preliminary) conclusions of a study into the armament dynamics), Presentatie voor Nationaal Coordinator Terrorismebestrijding, Den Haag, 8 december 2010 (In Dutch)

Key Topics: Biological | Toxins | Terrorism

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