Ridding Syria of Chemical Weapons: Next Steps
(with Ralf Trapp), Arms Control Today, November 2013.
Disarming Syria
ISS Analysis, EU Institute for Security Studies, September 2013.
After the chemical attacks in Syria – now what?
Alert, EU Institute for Security Studies, 6 September 2013
Obama’s Red Lines Hold Up; Syrian CW Claims Do Not
Atlantic Community (Berlin), 7 June 2013.
When is Evidence Proof?
Observatoire de la non-prolifération, no. 81, Centre d’Etudes de sécurité internationale et de maitrise des armements (Paris), June 2013
Key Topics: Non-proliferation | NPT | Education
Chemical weapon use in Syria?
Alert, EU Institute for Security Studies, 26 March 2013
The Meaning of Halabja
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Blog), 25 March 2013
The Future of the CWC in the Post-Destruction Phase
Report no. 15 (EU Institute for Security Studies: Paris, March 2013)
Key Topics: CW Destruction | Research | Chemical
Technology Transfers and Non-Proliferation: Between control and cooperation
‘Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Article XI and the future of the CWC’, in Oliver Meier (ed.), (Routledge: London, 2013), pp. 176-203. (Chapter introduction)